What’s the Difference Between the Best Commercial Water Softener Manufacturers?

If we asked you to name the best commercial water softener manufacturers, could you do it? 

Many business owners can’t because they typically don’t know much about water softeners until they need one for their business. Or, their knowledge is limited to the brand they already have installed. 

Here’s what you need to know about hard water and how the top commercial water softener manufacturers each use different approaches to solving it. 

First thing’s first: What is Hard Water?

Hard water is simply water that contains a higher level of minerals. These minerals can cause a host of issues with your water systems, such as lower water pressure, a filmy residue on the skin, spots on dishes, or stains on sink fixtures, and most importantly: costly corrosion on equipment. 

You may also experience water discoloration and a metallic, chalky, or chemical taste. While hard water is not necessarily dangerous to humans, the corrosion can be extremely expensive when you need to repair pipes and equipment at your business.

A water softening system balances the hard water with the use of a resin that helps reduce the high mineral count with concentrated sodium. Soft water is much easier on pipes and plumbing systems, extending their life and requiring less cleaning and soap products.

What Are Some Well-Known Brands of Water Softeners?

The best solution for finding the top brands of water softeners is to look at product quality, features, specifications, and warranty. 

You’ll find that most systems offer scalable packages that enable you to find the perfect water softener for your needs (based on factors like the hardness of your water and the water flow demands at your site). 

There are numerous commercial water softener manufacturers out there, but some are better-rated than others. Here are a few of the most recognized brands on the market these days.

Fleck Water Softeners

Fleck water softeners are among the bestselling systems in the industry. This manufacturer creates a wide variety of commercial water softeners that are customized for your business needs, from size and capacity to price and quality.  If your business requires something more powerful, Fleck can scale with you whether you need a larger grain maximum capacity or a dual (or larger) system. Fleck water softeners also require little upkeep and are known for commercial performance and durability. It’s why Fleck is considered among the best of the best.


SoftPro commercial water softeners are best known for efficiency and performance, and they offer systems with up to 1,200,000 maximum grain capacity. These systems have dependable equipment and are backed with first-rate warranty packages (including some with lifetime warranties). You’ll quickly notice a change in your water as soon as your system is installed.

Pure Aqua 

Pure Aqua is a leading manufacturer of numerous commercial and industrial products, including water treatments, purifications, deionizers, and water softeners. The company also provides pre- and post-treatment components for the city, well, sea, and river systems. Aside from its softening systems, Pure Aqua is known for its industry-leading standard for removing contaminants from water through a high-pressure reverse osmosis system. This water softener manufacturer is also highly rated online by its consumers for product effectiveness, performance, and merchandise quality. 

Culligan Water Culligan Water markets itself as a customizable “fast-to-market solution” for businesses. Its products include reverse osmosis, commercial water softening, and deionization. Unlike some of the manufacturers listed above, Culligan Water designs the product concept for its customers based on business functions, so it can be a drawn-out process that will take more installation time.

Need help comparing commercial water softener manufacturers? 

If you are exploring commercial water softener manufacturers and need some help, try this calculator to find the right system for your business.